Mommy Home Childcare Service
< Toward the Prevention of SIDS >
(A Non-Licensed Day Nursery — Since May 1991)
I closed the day nursery on September 30, 1998. It was a decision made in agony, but I believe it was the best choice. I will continue to commit myself, as a person with experience in childcare, to SIDS prevention activities, and use the nursery’s name “Mommy Home Childcare Service” hereafter to refer to my activities. My mission is to promote protection of the precious lives of children. I will deeply appreciate your support and understanding.
Noriko Nakamura
(Non-Licensed Day Nursery, May 1991 – September 1998)

English Version Created: 30/01/99. Latest Update: 05/10/98. Ver. 2.0
Click for Japanese version.
Campaign for Prevention of SIDS
On Differences of SIDS Environment at Home and at Day Nurseries
- Reports on July 1995 SIDS Occurrence at Mommy
- Information for Childcare Providers on Ways of Preventing SIDS
- Information on First Aid, Books, and Insurance
- My Responsibility, Regrets, and Reflections as Childcare Professional
- Introducing 130 Little Cries
- Related Newspaper and Magazine Articles
- Information on Mommy Home Childcare Service
My Thoughts on Creating These Webpages
In July 1995, a case of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) occurred at my day nursery, and the precious life was snuffed out of a four-month-old infant. I was so devastated by the extreme sorrow and the sense of remorse I felt toward the child’s family that I almost lost my will to continue working. I managed to continue operating the nursery, however, bolstered only by the innocence of the children entrusted to me and the encouraging words of their parents and many other persons.
The discussion with the child’s family was concluded in February 1996. There was no “closure,” however, for either the family or myself inasmuch as it was impossible for me to return to the family the valuable life of the little child. Now, I firmly believe that engaging in SIDS prevention activities is what little I could do to make sure that the child did not die in vain.
SIDS comes suddenly, without warning. It is unbelievable that the breathing of a victim stops so quietly. The SIDS research team [at Japan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare] has spent the last 13 years examining its causes, but it has not been able to clearly identify th???em.
Several preventive measures, however, have come to be known. By providing this information to other childcare practitioners, I believe I can contribute significantly to the reduction of the number of SIDS cases.
At present, not even the licensed day-care centers are receiving the information on SIDS prevention which is available at the Ministry of Health and Welfare. As a result, the owners and operators of childcare facilities throughout Japan are plagued by the fear that their own nurseries may be struck by SIDS. Nursing practitioners who work in the forefront of childcare care are similarly troubled. I believe this situation applies to everyone engaged in this profession in every country in the world. I sincerely hope that childcare professionals around the world who are responsible for safeguarding the lives of children entrusted to them will make effective use of the information which I provide here.
* On February 11 and 12, 1997, the Yomiuri TV in Osaka featured a special program on SIDS. It met with a strong public response, and was aired again a few days later by the Nippon Television Network, reaching every home in the country. The program consisted of a discussion by Professor Hiroshi Nishida [leader of the SIDS research team at the Ministry of Health and Welfare], interviews with family members of SIDS victims, and the pictures of my day nursery (Mommy Home Childcare Service). Thinking that the program would be a useful educational material on SIDS at day-care centers, in-home day nurseries, and baby-sitting businesses, I asked the TV station to grant me a license to create video recording of the nationally televised program. This request was granted in June. (I will shortly initiate the service of renting these video cassettes.)
* The question of extending insurance coverage to non-licensed day n???urseries is being studied by The Douwa Fire & Marine Insurance Co. thanks to the efforts made by an agent of the company, Mr. Nakamura (no relation). I am confident that it will soon become a reality.
It has been announced that a new insurance policy, the first in the country, will be marketed in September. We are almost there!
I also provide information on minimum insurance coverage that every childcare provider should have. Please feel free to ask me for this information.
At present, I am the only one among Japanese day nursery operators who is engaged in a campaign for the prevention of SIDS. I firmly believe, however, that other childcare providers who share my conviction will join me in this endeavor. Encouraged by this belief, I will continue my SIDS prevention work so that lives of as many children as possible could be saved from SIDS.
My work in these activities has been made possible by the warm understanding of the members of the victim’s family. I am truly grateful to them for this opportunity.
(Mommy Home Childcare Service welcomes visitations by interested parties and requests for materials on childcare service.)
Noriko Nakamura
Mommy Home Childcare Service